Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Star Wars Power of the Force 2 : Dengar

Height: 1.8 meters
Status: 1.8 meters
Classification: Human
Affiliation: Human
Weapon of Choice: Blaster Rifle

Star Wars Power of the Force 2 : Death Star Gunner

Height: 1.83 meters
Status: Heavy Weapons Gunner
Classification: Human
Affiliation: Galactic Empire
Weapon of Choice: Imperial Blaster, Assault Rifle

Star Wars Power of the Force 2 : Bossk

Height: 1.9 meters
Status: Bounty Hunter
Classification: Trandoshan
Affiliation: Freelance
Weapon of Choice: Blaster Rifle

Star Wars Power of the Force 2 : Boba Fett

Height: 1.8 meters
Status: Bounty Hunter
Classification: Human
Affiliation: Freelance
Weapon of Choice: Mandalorian Battle Armor and Various Blasters

Comments: The most notorious and fearsome bounty hunter in the galaxy is also the most mysterious. Many legends and stories have arisen over the years, but few facts are known of the man called Boba Fett, or his link to Han Solo's past. Since the Clone Wars, Fett has worked as a mercenary, a soldier, a personal guard, an assassin, and most frequently, as the most expensive bounty hunter in the known systems.

Star Wars Power of the Force 2 : Asp7

Height: 1.6 Meters
Status: Household/Business Laborer
Classification: Industrial Automaton ASP-7 Droid
Affiliation: Varies based on owner

Comments: From the newly-created footage in Star Wars: A New Hope - Special Edition.

Star Wars Power of the Force 2 : 4LOM

Height: 1.6 Meters
Status: Bounty Hunter
Classification: Industrial Automaton 4-LOM Protocol Droid
Affiliation: Freelance
Weapon of Choice: Blaster Pistol, Blaster Rifle

Star Wars Power of the Force 2 : Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper Disguise

Height: 1.72 Meters
Status: Jedi In Training, Rebel Pilot
Classification: Human
Affiliation: Rebel Alliance
Weapon of Choice: Lightsaber, Blaster

Comments: Disguised as stormtroopers and fighting off a regiment of Imperial troops inside the Death Star, the escaping band of heroes finds refuge in a garbage receptacle. The Rebels realize their problem has changed when teh walls begin closing in.